
About the Blog

Welcome to AseelFrancis.com, a lifestyle blog about Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) that focuses on the lifestyle aspects of living with this chronic illness. My name is Aseel Francis, and I run and operate this blog with the help of my husband. 

My mission is to raise awareness of NMO and provide valuable information to families who are living with this condition. I will be sharing my personal experiences with the symptoms that I battle daily, such as Optic Neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerves), Transverse Myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord), blurry and decreased vision, pain in the eyes, numbness, weakness, and tingling in my arms or legs, difficulty with bladder or bowel control, loss of sensation, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, headaches, and muscle spasms and stiffness. 

Dealing with these symptoms can be a daily struggle for me, sometimes lasting for weeks. For instance, I lost the use of my right eye due to inflammation in the optic nerve, which causes stress and anxiety because I have to rely on my husband to do many things for me, including driving. 

I used to love driving, taking a leisurely drive while blasting my music, but now, with only one eye, and the possibility of inflammation in that eye, I cannot take that risk. 

Additionally, numbness and stiffness in my body can make it difficult for me to get out of bed on some days, causing me stress because I can’t always do mommy things with my 6- and 7-year-old kids. Over the past year, I have been on an emotional rollercoaster, learning how to navigate through life with NMO. 

Through my experiences, I want my readers to know that I’ve been there and that I want to help. That’s what motivates me to write this blog. In addition to sharing my personal experiences, I will also be sharing some of my favorite things that have helped me on my journey with NMO. 

These will include comfort items, such as lift chairs and power chairs, and even a food subscription box to make meal times easier. I pray that my blog can be a source of emotional support, inspiration, and community for those who are also struggling with neuromyelitis optica.

A Quick Bio About Me

My name is Aseel Francis. A mother of five and soon-to-be grandmother of three. My life has been quite challenging, to say the least, with a journey filled with experiences of mental, sexual, and domestic violence, homelessness, and abandonment. 

My mother arranged my marriage to an abusive and gambling man when I was just 15 years old. Eventually, I was able to escape that situation and found employment with a businessman who took me and my daughter in. I later married him, but this decision turned out to be a mistake because he and his family hid many things from me, including his gambling addiction and history of domestic violence. 

The abuse continued to escalate, and I even had to undergo an abortion, which left me in a deep depression for many years. However, I was blessed with two beautiful and healthy children in the years that followed. Throughout my life, my OB/GYN noticed something was off with my physical and emotional well-being due to the physical abuse I endured. He suggested that I get my tubes burned and tied to prevent further pregnancies, which I agreed to at the time. 

However, this decision turned out to be an extreme one that I later regretted. After some time, my ex-husband hurt our son, and that was the final straw for me. I left him and started a new life with my three children, working odd jobs to provide for them. 

Years later, I married my best friend who raised my children as his own and took care of me and our family. I was able to get my tubes untied and with a miracle from God, I was able to give birth to another 2 amazing children. 

Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Lupus and Fibromyalgia in before their birth, and in 2022 5 years after their birth, I began battling a rare disease called Neuromyelitis Optica(NMO), which has caused me to lose sight in my right eye. Despite these challenges, God still is with me and has helped me remain hopeful and motivated to share my struggles, and advice, and be an inspiration to help others with this chronic illness