
What Is Neuromyelitis Optica?

What is Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO): Understanding the Disease, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What is Neuromyelitis Optica or NMO for short? It is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system (CNS). This condition, which was previously known as Devic’s disease, primarily targets the optic nerve and spinal cord, leading to severe damage and inflammation. 

In this article, I will provide an overview of NMO, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

What Causes NMO?

The exact cause of NMO is not well understood, but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder, which means that the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body.

In people with NMO, the immune system targets a protein called aquaporin-4 (AQP4), which is found on the surface of cells in the optic nerve and spinal cord. 

This leads to inflammation and damage to these areas, causing a range of symptoms.

NMO Disease Symptoms

The symptoms of NMO can vary from person to person, but some of the most common early symptoms include:

  • Optic neuritis: inflammation of the optic nerve, which can cause blurred vision, blindness in one or both eyes, and eye pain.
  • Transverse myelitis: inflammation of the spinal cord, which can cause weakness or paralysis of the legs and arms, numbness, and loss of bladder and bowel control.
  • Pain: some people with NMO may experience severe pain in the back, legs, or arms.

Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Symptoms

NMO Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) is a term used to describe a range of conditions that are similar to NMO but do not meet the full diagnostic criteria for the disease. Some of the symptoms of NMOSD may include:

  • Brainstem symptoms: such as difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing.
  • Cognitive impairment: This can include memory loss, confusion, or difficulty concentrating.
  • Headache: which can be severe and persistent.

Neuromyelitis Optica Diagnosis

Diagnosing NMO can be challenging, as the symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions such as multiple sclerosis. However, there are specific tests that can be done to help with the diagnosis, such as an MRI of the brain and spinal cord, which can show areas of inflammation and damage. A blood test can also be done to check for the presence of antibodies that are associated with NMO.

Neuromyelitis Optica Treatment

While there is no cure for NMO, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of relapses. The most common treatment for NMO is a type of medication called immunosuppressants, which work by suppressing the immune system and reducing inflammation. Other treatments may include corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, plasma exchange to remove antibodies from the blood, and rehabilitation therapy to help with physical and occupational therapy.

NMO Disease Life Expectancy

NMO can be a severe and disabling condition, but with proper treatment, many people with NMO can live a full and productive life. However, the disease can be fatal, especially if left untreated or if there are complications such as respiratory failure. The life expectancy of people with NMO can vary depending on the severity of the disease and the individual’s response to treatment.

Living with NMO Disease

Living with NMO can be challenging, both for the person with the disease and for their loved ones. 

It is important to seek support from healthcare professionals, as well as from support groups and organizations that can provide information and resources for people with NMO. 

Making lifestyle changes such as getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress can also help manage the symptoms of NMO. 

It is important to avoid triggers that may worsen the symptoms, such as infections, extreme temperatures, and excessive physical activity.

It is also important to monitor your symptoms closely and report any changes to your healthcare team. 

Regular check-ups and monitoring can help detect any signs of disease progression or relapse.

Living with NMO can be challenging, but with the right treatment and support, it is possible to manage the symptoms and maintain a good quality of life. 

By taking an active role in your healthcare, making healthy lifestyle choices, and seeking support from your loved ones and healthcare team, you can live a fulfilling life with NMO.

FAQs for About NMOSD?

What are the symptoms of neuromyelitis optica?

NMO can cause vision loss, weakness, and numbness.

How serious is neuromyelitis optica?

NMO can be very serious and cause disability or death.

What is neuromyelitis optica disorder?

NMO is a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the spinal cord and optic nerve.

What is the life expectancy of someone with NMO?

Life expectancy varies, but with treatment, many people with NMO can live a normal lifespan.

How do you get neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder?

The cause is not fully understood, but it may involve genetics and environmental triggers.

What happens if NMO is left untreated?

Untreated NMO can lead to permanent vision loss, paralysis, and death.

What age does neuromyelitis optica start?

NMO can occur at any age, but most cases are diagnosed between ages 20-40.

Is NMO worse than MS?

NMO and MS have similar symptoms, but NMO can be more severe and cause more disability.

How do you treat neuromyelitis optica?

Treatment may include medication to suppress the immune system and manage symptoms.

Does NMO run in families?

There may be a genetic component, but NMO is not usually inherited.

What is the cause of death of NMO patients?

Death may result from complications such as respiratory failure or infection.

Does NMO have brain lesions?

NMO typically affects the spinal cord and optic nerve, but brain lesions can occur in some cases.

What autoimmune disease attacks the eyes?

Uveitis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the eyes.

What is the difference between multiple sclerosis and Devic’s disease?

Devic’s disease is a type of NMO that affects the spinal cord and optic nerve, while MS can affect various parts of the central nervous system.

Can NMO go away on its own?

NMO is a chronic condition that typically requires ongoing treatment.

Is neuromyelitis optica painful?

NMO can cause pain, but not everyone experiences it.

What is the first line treatment for neuromyelitis optica?

Steroids and immunosuppressant drugs are often used as first-line treatments.

Does NMO show on an MRI?

MRI scans can show lesions in the spinal cord and optic nerve that are typical of NMO.

Does NMO cause memory loss?

Memory loss is not a typical symptom of NMO.

How common is neuromyelitis optica?

NMO is rare, affecting about 1 in 100,000 people worldwide.

Can people with NMO walk?

NMO can cause weakness and difficulty walking, but many people with NMO can still walk with assistance or without aid.

This article is intended to provide general information and resources about various topics, including health and wellness when battling Neuromyelitis Optica. However, the information provided on this blog is not intended to substitute or replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to consult with a qualified medical professional if you have any concerns or questions regarding your health.