
What To Do When Your Doctor Says Nothing’s Wrong?

When you’re sick, you feel awful. You probably also have a gut feeling that something is wrong and your doctor hasn’t been able to identify what it is.

That’s frustrating, to say the least. However, doctors can only see as much as you are willing to show them.

It may be difficult to accept, but if your body doesn’t feel right, it likely isn’t going to get better on its own.

So what to do when your doctor says nothing’s wrong?

Ask questions the right questions. Make sure you understand what your doctor is telling you. If you don’t feel right, don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion.

And most importantly, stay positive. If your doctor can’t find anything wrong, it may just mean that you have a mild case of something that will eventually resolve on its own.

If you feel that your doctor is dismissing your symptoms or not taking you seriously, it is important to find another doctor.

Ask your doctor to see a specialist if you feel that your symptoms are not resolving with medication or if you have a more serious illness.

Put your symptoms in the right context because sometimes the problem is not with you, but with the environment or your lifestyle.

What is it called when doctors cannot diagnose me?

When doctors are unable to diagnose you, they’ll likely inform you that your symptoms are “elusive.” This is a polite way of saying they don’t know what’s wrong with you. There are many reasons doctors can’t diagnose you, including a lack of symptoms, issues with your body, or issues with the way they are looking at you.

A lack of symptoms is one of the most common reasons doctors cannot diagnose you. If you’re not feeling ill but you’re otherwise healthy, doctors might not know what’s wrong.

How do I deal with no diagnosis?

In some ways it’s easier to cope with the “no diagnosis” scenario than it is to get a diagnosis at all. You can tell yourself that there’s no immediate risk or that it won’t last forever. This can give you the space to process what’s going on. It’s especially helpful to be able to talk to a trusted friend or family member who can help you put things in perspective.

Why is it so hard to get a diagnosis?

Diagnosing a disease requires a huge amount of expertise. Most doctors have only a small amount of knowledge about the human body, and it can take years of education and training to become a doctor.

As a result, it’s not uncommon for a doctor to misdiagnose you. Of course, many times the problem is a lack of knowledge by your doctor, not you. Your doctor may not have the resources to properly examine you, may not have seen the symptoms you described, or may not know how to find the source of your symptoms. Another reason ails may be the medical system itself. Doctors are only allowed to diagnose and treat diseases. They aren’t allowed to give you general health advice.

However, most people want to know how to improve their overall health, not just how to treat an illness. Some doctors may not be aware of the need to provide this information.

What should you do if you’re not confident about a doctor’s diagnosis?

If you’re not confident in your doctor’s diagnosis, ask for a second opinion. A patient’s inability to give a diagnosis doesn’t change anything, so it’s perfectly acceptable to ask another doctor to look at your case. You may be surprised to find that your first doctor was simply misdiagnosing you.

Is it rude to ask a doctor for a second opinion?

It’s generally fine to ask your doctor for a second opinion, but it’s better to ask before you’re not confident about the diagnosis. You don’t want to change the subject or come across as rude. Additionally, you don’t have to get your second opinion from someone who specializes in the same area of medicine as your original doctor. You can choose another specialist in any area of medicine.

Should you tell your doctor you are seeking a second opinion?

It’s generally better to be up front, especially if you’re seeking a second opinion. If you’re not confident, you’ll likely only want to see your original doctor. However, if you’re up front, you may want your second doctor to take a look at things as well. A key benefit of getting a second opinion is that you may discover the diagnosis is actually what you’ve been experiencing all along.

You might be able to get a better understanding of why you’ve been having symptoms, or you might realize that what you’ve been doing to treat your issue is hurting you more.


Diagnosing a disease requires a huge amount of expertise. Most doctors have only a small amount of knowledge about the human body, and it can take years of education and training to become a doctor. As a result, it’s not uncommon for a doctor to misdiagnose you. It can be frustrating and even scary to not have a diagnosis.

The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do on your own to help support better health until your doctor gets back to you. We hope this article has given you some helpful insight into what to expect when your doctor can’t provide a diagnosis. Keep an open mind, communicate your concerns to your doctor, and remember that you aren’t alone.